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Texttforex, TTFLFX отзывы
texttco.net, texttco.cc

Financial scammers engage in illegal activities by manipulating securities and deceiving others for financial gain
Финансовые аферисты. Разводят с ценными бумагами, нелегальная деятельность. copyright moshennik.eu

Контактная информация
против Sergio
/ 15.08.2024
My story is similar. I also invested. They are cunning - through whatsap they attract people who are like working in a special group, they also attract people from your country, who then contact you personally and this greatly encourages you to invest, because it seems that everything is in order. How to punish them - no ideas.
против Maksim kochkin
/ 28.07.2024
I deposited 3.5k in November 2023 into TTFLFX, the assistant kept asking to deposit more so I make more on my trades. I felt such discomfort adding +1.8k more so that my trades would make me more money. 2 weeks in trading and they kicked me from the group. Since my assets where frozen and I could not withdrawal any funds I kept trading within the platform USDT against XAU. I turned the account from 8.5k into +3mil. Wasted so much time and effort couldn't withdraw anything. I believe the site got taken down July 10th 2024. https://pc.texttco.cc/#/ I wish there was a way to prosecute these evil people.

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