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To optimise recruitment process, we put use various techniques – including networking and advertising.
We find the best talents in the market – we search until our Partner's needs are entirely satisfied.
We find employees for:
Temporary jobs
Full time employment

Help Your Business grow with
Our mystery shoppers highlight typical customer buying habits, as well as finding out about the
quality of service of pour Partner’s business.
Our research is conducted precisely and carefully, as its main purpose is to analyse and improve
sales teams' performance.
Our competences:
Evaluation of the quality of customer service
Data gathering and analysis

Save time and money with
Our sales systems siginificantly reduce costs by improving the logistics of distribution. Our main goal is assuring that products are available to consumers at all time. Our experts increase sales results by reorganising team schedules, as well as control routines.
Our competences:
Sales and distribution outsourcing
POSM management copyright moshennik.eu

Контактная информация
Gdynia, Польша. Plac Kaszubski 8 81-350 Gdynia, Poland
против Олег
/ 05.07.2019
Не рекомендую. Пока открывал визу вакансию закрыли. Хотя изначально был договор на ожидание. Единственный плюс, попросили извинения, если это может послужить утешением.

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